Events in Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki International Fair is an institution; an established exhibition event that is integrally linked to the history of Greece’s economic and cultural growth.
To this day, since its foundation in 1926, it reflects the momentum and trends of domestic and international entrepreneurship. At the same time, during a 9-day celebration, it hosts and organizes several entertainment events for all ages.
Besides all else, TIF is the annual meeting point of Greece’s given political leadership with its citizens, aiming to inform them about its political and economic agenda for the upcoming year.
87th International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki
Relevant information on the organization of this year’s TIF will be announced soon with all the exhibition tributes and events that will make it up.
The first and only Design Week in Greece returns to Thessaloniki at the beginning of summer, with a central theme that addresses the various aspects of design that support and serve gastronomy. From June 6th through the 11th, the city is filled with activities and events, competitions and exhibitions, speeches and presentations, thematic tours and routes, workshops and B2B meetings as well as images, flavors, smells and aromas!
As of 2021, Thessaloniki is the first Greek city to join Unesco’s Network of Creative Cities in the creative field of gastronomy. ThessDW 2023 draws inspiration from its host city’s international distinction and recognition as it constitutes a major event where creativity in all its forms meets tradition, the present and the future of food, cooking, catering and, in general, the full lifecycle of food.
Take part in an one-of-a-king Open Air Music Festival in Lake of Thermi, Thessaloniki.
On 22-23-24 June 2023. Save the date!
The idea of the creation of Thessaloniki Street Food Festival been born through our travels, our love for the food and naturally the history of Thessaloniki.
Having lives each one had us in various cities per the world to the occasion to visit, to taste and to work in equivalents Street Food Festivals. In our brain, the gastronomic search is unbreakably connected with each our travel. Strange flavours, old and new recipes, unknown combinations and materials. The history of Thessaloniki attracts us also us shows the correct direction. A city “crossroad of populations”, which the older years existed cradle of multiculturalism, that today has maintained him in her “flavours”. Spices, perfumes, raw material and recipes from all the world. From India up to America, from the European sweets up to sushi of Asia. We create a two-day feast, open to all!
Through flavours we want to seek and to present the common tasty identity, to know the difference and foreigner, our palates they explore new flavours. For 3 days it will live up a “tasty” village with different cookers from the all over the world, food market, kitchen lab, kids’ corner and music from bands and DJs!
Our bigger objective is elected Thessaloniki in the gastronomic capital of Europe, via the art of street food!
«Έξω Καρδιά!» θα είναι και αυτή τη φορά, η άκρως καλοκαιρινή συναυλία, που θα παρουσιάσει η Άλκηστις Πρωτοψάλτη στο κοινό της Θεσσαλονίκης, πάνω στη σκηνή του Θεάτρου Δάσους, τον Ιούνιο.
Μία διαφορετική μουσική συνάντηση, ένα κρεσέντο χαράς, με ιδιαίτερες εκπλήξεις όπου απολαμβάνουμε με τη μοναδική Άλκηστη Πρωτοψάλτη να ερμηνεύει τα ωραιότερα τραγούδια της, που αποτελούν σταθερή αξία στο χρόνο.
Η Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη και η Ελεωνόρα Ζουγανέλη, στη συνεργασία της χρονιάς, ανακοίνωσαν την πρώτη τους συναυλία για το Καλοκαίρι του 2023, στη Θεσσαλονίκη στο Θέατρο Γης, μετά από το άκρως επιτυχημένο πρόγραμμα που παρουσίασαν τον χειμώνα, στη μουσική σκηνή VOX στην Αθήνα.